Sunday, May 17, 2015

Tide Pool Fun

This past week, we've been learning about the different sections of a tide pool - splash zone, high tide, medium tide, low tide, and the animals and plants that live in each of the areas. 

We learned a TON about sea stars, too. We not only created sea stars for our tide pool, but we also learned how to use a graphic organizer to help us remember the facts we've learned about sea stars and to write full sentences about them. The students really enjoyed this type of non-fiction writing. I cannot wait to see how their writing develops over the next few weeks as we continue to write about the sea animals that live in tide pools. 

Here is a sample of writing and the beginnings of our classroom tide pool. The next few weeks will be exciting and fun to say the least - I cannot wait to keep sharing your student's wonderful work!

We've been reading non-fiction books on sea stars this week. The students have learned about lots of genres of literature this year, including this very special genre of expository non-fiction that has a main topic (sea stars) and details about the main topic (they have 5 or more rays, they can be many different colors, they don't have blood!).

This student wrote about the sea star's stomach and how it comes out of the mouth, that it can stick to rocks, and that their arms are called rays.

The beginnings of our tide pool with our sea stars, mussels, and barnacles!

The best part of our tide pool bulletin board is that we made it 3-D! Thank you to all of the families for sending in recyclable materials.

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